New design of steam coolers of the VA7040 series
As a follow-up to the completed research project “Cooling steam with atomizing steam” (more information can be found here coolers of the new VA7040 series using atomizing steam were tested in real conditions. Based on the reactions of our customers, we can say that this solution has proven itself very successfully.
Over time, we have noticed another request from our customers. They needed to increase the efficiency of steam coolers which are placed in pipes DN200 and above. Based on this request, our research team developed an innovative solution for a new design of the VA7040 atomizing steam cooler. The new design allows the cooler to be placed in any direct steam pipe with larger diameters. This solution brings higher efficiency to customers and also material savings on pipes due to shortening of the distance for the total evaporation of the cooling water in the steam. The installation requires less intervention in the structural layout of the pipeline, as it is installed in a straight part of pipes and it is not necessary to use the pipe bend as in the previous construction. The new design of the cooler has undergone complete development and evaluation, and the first deliveries to selected customers are currently being made.
If you are interested in this type of construction, please contact us.